
Having fun scripting and hacking Linux and Mageia

Welcome to my blog!

I'm a Linux geek and have been since I was first introduced to SlackwareExternal site icon back in 1996 by a co-worker at the time.

Revitalize Your Openbox Shutdown with ssdd: Simple ShutDown Dialog

I've always been a fan of Openbox for its speed and flexibility, but I couldn't ignore how lackluster its default exit dialog is. Wanting something that matched the sleekness of my minimalist desktop, I decided to create ssdd, Simple ShutDown Dialog. This lightweight and quick tool brings a touch of elegance to my Openbox shutdown routine.

Major life changes and zrep updates

Well, I've just sent an email to our landlord letting him know that we are heading to Spain in 3 months.
It's a bit scary. We've been in this house for almost 4 years and it's our home. It is, however time to embrace changes.

Understanding QStags: A Starting Guide

QStags represent a unique way to incorporate HTML elements into text without directly using HTML syntax. This method simplifies the process of formatting text, making it more accessible to individuals who may not be familiar with HTML. Let's delve into how these QStags work and explore their potential benefits.

Things are taking shape now

So, I have been working on my hacks and it looks like I have reached a Good Enough state now.

Having this setup enables me to serve you only static HTML pages from a semi-dynamic backend using templates.